My Software

Hello. This is the start of AepliBase, and my name is Ben Aepli. I just created a new database I call AepliBase, made by me . This is the link for mac. This is the link for Windows. (Thanks to Rsava for compressing the database for Windows since I use a mac.) 6.9 Million Games in PGN format! This may take sometime to download, but then just unzip the file, and it will have the PGN in it. This is like a ChessBase in PGN, but not made from ChessBase, and completely free. (Compared to 160 Euros.
I use ChessDB and ScidVsPC to support my database, and it is great!  Have a try. I will be updating this every season, and this is the first. (Early 2017). Thank you! I hope this will soon become great!

ScidVsPC with my database of 6987818 games.


  1. Just as a note, Windows Explorer still does not like the zip file. WinZip and 7Zip extract it fine.
    Windows says you need 5.99 PB (that's Petabytes; a petabyte is a million gigabytes :) ). Tanks Bill.
    Not sure why this is happening but apparently it has to do with 32 bit and 64 bit headers in the file.
    Use one of the extractors and you should be good.

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